JU Authors
The following is a listing of books, available in print, authored or coauthored by 91³ÉÈËAV graduates.
If you are a 91³ÉÈËAV alumnus author who has been inadvertently left off this list, please let us know by emailing alumni@ju.edu and we'd be happy to add your name to the list!
Alumni Authors
Tom Alford '04 and D.J. Kaercher '04
Dr. Bertice Berry '82
- The Coverage and Nondiscrimination Answer Book
- I'm On My Way But Your Foot is on My Head
- Straight From The Ghetto...You Might Be Ghetto If
- You Still Ghetto
- Redemption Song
- The Haunting of Hip Hop
- Jim and Louella's Homemade Heartfix Remedy
- When Love Calls, You Better Answer
- The Ties That Bind: A Memoir of Race, Memory and Redemption
- The World According to Me
Sandy Branum '96
- The Devil's Rood
Dr. Larry Breeze
- From Farm to Front: An Innocent Goes To War
Gaylynn Brenoel '78/'85​
- ​Forest Faeries: The Shadetail Tribe
- Forest Faeries: The Whitetail Tribe
Sandra Lanham Brower '93
- The Neuropsychology of Mathematics: Diagnosis and Intervention - section: The Sum Total
Charles Hugh Brown '74
- Master Jones Goes to Washington
Chelsea Brown '12
Dr. Gary Buffone '73
- Choking on the Silver Spoon
Christine Prather Canova '74
- What Happened That Day?
Dr. Amy Carney '03
Amy L. Cavanaugh '79
Captain Tracy D. Connors '61
Faith Raymond Connors '80
Joshua Cowart '08
Pamela A. H. Edge '66
- The Christmas Ornaments
Richard Hadden '79
Gary Izzo '92 '95
- The Devil's Rood
Brenda Jackson '89
- A Catalina Cove Christmas
- Delaney’s Desert Sheikh
- Finding Home Again
- Forget Me Not
- One Special Moment
Rob Johnson '09
Mary Calhoun King '79
- Level Ground
Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne, Chancellor Emeritus
Kathryn Beyerle Lively '93
- (Contemporary Romance)
- (Contemporary Romance)
- (Fiction/Dark Humor)
- (Inspirational/Thriller)
- (Mystery)
- (Mystery/Thriller)
- (Mystery/Thriller)
Quang Ly, MPP '16
(Children's book)
Lindsay Moss '96
Frank Pace '73
Steve Piscitelli '75
Marcia Roy '94/'07
Nicole Saunders '13
Peter W. Sherrill '80
- Black to the Future
Ted Simendinger '76
- 12 Miles to Paradise
- Critters, Fish & Other Troublemakers
- Highway to Somewhere
- Jurassic Trout: An Ensemble Comedy
- Maximum Horsepower
- Rich Without Money: Life Skills for Better Business and Living
- Searching for Tendulkar: Baseball’s Hunt for the Star of India
- The Rise and Fall of Piggy Church
- Tuki Banjo: Superstar
Pat Sitkins '05
J.R. (Jay) Slosar '74
Rhonda Strawter '99
- The Letter
Dedra Torelli '95
- The Devil's Rood
Robert Turknett '64
- Author 101: Bestselling Book Proposals
- Decent People, Decent Company: How to Lead with Character at Work and in Life
Nina Wade '93
- The Devil's Rood
A. Quinton White (with D.J. Gayle and B. Tewarie)
- Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Approaches to Effective Leadership and Strategic Management