Program Description

The study of philosophy and religion is a foundational element in a well-rounded liberal education. By developing the ability to write and think clearly, a philosophy major or a minor in philosophy or religion constitutes an outstanding preparation for a wide variety of careers. The JU philosophy program introduces students to the tradition of philosophical reasoning about the nature of the world, the limits of human knowledge and the proper course of human conduct.

The philosophy program emphasizes the reading of primary texts in the philosophical tradition. In sharp contrast to the deductive presentation favored by many textbooks that conceals the origin of the knowledge they present, the use of primary texts permits the student to follow the path of discovery traveled by the founders of the philosophical tradition. This approach encourages a confidence in reason to resolve difficult problems. This unique training is an ideal course of study for students who desire a solid liberal arts education.

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School of Humanities

Office location

2800 University Blvd N
91成人AV, FL 32211

Telephone number

(904) 256-7374