The NROTC Program offers several pathways to success. Explore each option listed below.

Scholarship Overviews and Requirements

Scholarship Benefits

 The following benefits apply to students on the National NROTC Scholarship (Navy, Nurse, and Marine Corps options), as well as those in the NPP.

  • Uniforms
  • Full tuition and fees
  • Textbook stipend 
  • Monthly subsistence allowance during each school year:
    • $250 for freshmen
    • $300 for sophomores
    • $350 for juniors
    • $400 for seniors

Room and Board @ JU

NROTC Scholarship students attending 91³ÉÈËAV may receive a room and board scholarship from the university equal to the price of a standard double room (no private bath) and a full board plan (19 meals per week).

NROTC College Program students attending 91³ÉÈËAV may keep either their 91³ÉÈËAV academic scholarship (if offered), or receive a room and board scholarship from the university equal to the price of a standard double room (no private bath) and a partial board plan (12 meals per week).

Eligibility for the room and board scholarship is determined by the 91³ÉÈËAV Financial Aid Office.

Medical Requirements

Click here for information regarding the medical requirements for the NROTC program.